
In a wide-angle shot, a picturesque scene unfolds as a joyful Easter bunny couple, accompanied by their adorable bunny offspring, come running amidst a field of colorful Easter eggs in a lush forest with a dreamy atmosphere and beautiful mist. The photograph is captured with an f/1.8 aperture, creating a shallow depth of field that beautifully blurs the foreground Easter eggs, adding a touch of artistic depth to the composition. The heavenly blue sky, tinged with shades of pink, serves as the backdrop to this enchanting moment. A magical scene. Celestial. Pastel colors. Maximum quality and detail. 6k. --ar 3:2 --v 6 Job ID: 0c644c3c-8538-4371-bad8-cc662ee68373

Wir wünschen allen schöne und erholsame Osterferien sowie ein tolles Osterfest.

Wir sehen uns am 02.April wieder und starten mit zwei Methodentagen in den letzten Abschnitt dieses Schuljahres.


Bildquelle: freepik.com